Top 10 American Supercars to Rival Lamborghini and Bugatti
When we say “supercar”, we usually mean a mid-engine two-seater that boasts high performance, exotic look and min price of at least 6 digits. However, many people still think that a car can hardly belong to the supercar class if it’s not built in Europe. If you are among these peeps, prepare for the shocking truth – there is actually an array of full-fledged supercars manufactured on the other side of the Atlantic.
The Euro’s probably have the US beat on the sexy factor, because let’s be honest – the European design school is second to none. But, America’s got some superpower to offer, too. Maybe I will surprise someone, but there are at least 10 supercars that America can field against Ferrari, Bugatti and Lamborghini. Some of them are not produced anymore, some have yet to be produced, but every car on this list is badged as “proudly built in the USA”. So here they are, the past, present and future of the American supercars.
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